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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Using the Customer Care Card for your Origami Owl Business

Using a customer care card or drawing slip (which ever you might call it) can be one of the most useful tools to use to build your business. Having customers and other people you meet fill out the card can provide you with lots of information. You will get their name, address, e-mail, phone and and information about their level of interest in hosting an Origami Owl jewelry bar or joining your team. This information can help you follow up, to build a relationship, and to network with them.

So what can you do with this information?
With the address, you can send them a thank you card, a new catalog, an invitation to an open house jewelry bar party, etc... With their e-mail, you can add them to the O2 Connection Newsletter that Origami Owl sends out once a month. This way, they will receive information about what's new with Origami Owl and they are reminded of you. With their phone number, call them up. Thank them for filling out the customer care card and ask if there is anything they need. Ask if they would be interested in hosting a jewelry bar sometime or if they know anyone who might be interested.

So when and how can you use the customer care card to get this information?
1. Use the customer care card (drawing slip) at craft fairs and vendor events. Always do a raffle for a gift certificate to get them to fill it out.
  • When visitors stop by your booth, tell them about the drawing and have them complete the drawing slip to be put into the raffle. 
  • As people walk by, invite them to also join in the raffle. The more contacts you are able to collect, the more possibilities you will have to find customers, hostesses and team members. 
  • After the event, look over all of the drawing slips and contact each person to thank them for entering the drawing and ask if they would be interested in hosting a jewelry bar. 
  • I also give them the $15 gift certificate anyways if they decide host a jewelry bar with me.
  • If they say "no", then let them know about your referral rewards plan to also be able to earn free jewelry. This way they may still lead you to new people and build your contact list.

2. Use the drawing slip at Origami Owl Jewelry bar parties.
  • At the end of the jewelry bar, pass out a customer care card to each guest to complete. 
  • Ask them to choose 1-10 for their level of interest in hosting a jewelry whether is be soon or in a few months. Or if not them, but who do they know that might like to host a party and joining the business. Share about your referral rewards plan on how they can still earn free jewelry.
  • Collect the customer care cards (drawing slips) and use them for a drawing for a free gift.
  • Quickly skim through the customer care cards to check who is interested and make sure to talk to that person about hosting or joining before they leave the party. 
  • Use the customer card cards to also follow up with guests after they received their jewelry from their order. This is when you can continue to build a relationship with a customer. Ask them how they are liking their jewelry, if they need anything else, if they'd like to host a jewelry bar or learn more about the business. Then, always be sure to share about your referral rewards again.

 3. Use the drawing slip  when you are out and about.
  • When someone comments on the Origami Owl jewelry you are wearing, tell them thank you, let them know about the business, and always give them a business card or catalog with your contact information.
  • Tell them that if they fill out a customer care card (drawing slip) you will put them in your monthly drawing for free jewelry. Give them a drawing slip (customer care card) to add them to a monthly drawing for a free charm and add them to the O2 Connection Newsletter).
  • Follow up with them to ask if they would be interested in hosting a jewelry bar, learning about the business or get referrals at the very least.
Who knew this little piece of paper can do so much to help build your business! To make it easy,  print the customer care card on a note pad from Vistaprint or another print shop and carry them with you along with business cards and catalogs to be able to hand out to people every where you go!

What are some other ideas on how we can use the customer care card??? Post some ideas and experiences using the customer care slips in the comment section below!

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